© 2024 Culture Spaces Installation Shots

PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai is additionally delighted to welcome back four leading cultural organizations that have contributed to the development of photographic art in its dedicated Spectrum sector. The Miguel de Cervantes Library (Shanghai) presents a solo show by Spanish multimedia artist Pilar Albarracín, while the Shanghai Doland Museum of Modern Art (Shanghai) showcases their Annual Report of Chinese Contemporary Photography and Video Arts. Also joining the Culture Spaces sector are Swatch Art Peace Hotel (Shanghai), presenting an exhibition featuring several emerging photographic and video artists who have participated in their residency program, including Zhou Peng, Luo Jian, Marc Aziz Ressang, Yanir Shani, Jeppe Lange and He Yu, and the international photography museum Fotografiska, showcasing works by Swedish-based duo Cooper Gorfer, known for their cross-media collaged portraits of women.


Shanghai Doland Museum of Modern Art

Miguel de Cervantes Library

Swatch Art Peace Hotel
